Wednesday, March 6, 2013

New Orleans Rock 'N' Roll Half Marathon

  On 2/24/2013, I finished my 3rd half marathon of 2013.  My time is getting better at 2:50:23, but I don't think I had enough recovery time between the Pasadena half marathon and this one (which was only one week apart).  By mile 3, my right knee and both ankles were aching.  At the end of the race, I even had to ice my knee.  The worse part was that the shuttle that took us back to the starting area (where our hotel was) seemed like another mile from the finish line!
  On top of it all, we jumped on a cruise ship right after the race.  On my next post, I'll let you all know about our cruise to the Western Caribbean.  For those of you who have been on cruises before know that there is a LOT of walking on the ship...and up and down stairs.  For a few days, I was hobbling around the ship.  
  I should be getting my extra "Triple Crown" race medal in a few weeks...I can't wait!

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