Friday, April 26, 2013

San Francisco Rock 'N Roll Half Marathon

  Wow!  It's already been several weeks since I've posted anything.  Time sure flies by too quickly!

  We did our 4th half marathon in San Francisco a few weeks ago.  We got to run across the Golden Gate was so cool!  It think this was the best route so far.  However, those hills really kicked my butt!  There was a small incline between miles 12 and 13 where it felt like I was running in place.
  For this run, we didn't go for time and just took in the views.  We stopped several times to take lots of pictures.
  At the expo, we won a Team Geico tech shirt and visor.  If you wear the Geico gear during the race, they gave you a free 10 minute massage at the end of the race.  Of course, we HAD to do that.  It felt like the best massage ever!  I want to get a massage after every race now.


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