Sunday, February 17, 2013

Pasadena Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon

  I finished my 2nd half marathon of 2013.  Did I tell you that my husband and I are going to try to do 10 in 2013?!?!  Remember that he signed us up for the Rock 'n' Roll 2013 Tour Pass so that we can do as many as we want in 2013?  Well, you get "extra" medals for finishing more races in the same year.  For example, since this is our 2nd race in 2013, we will also receive and additional medal called the "Encore" medal.  For 3 races, the "Triple Crown".  For 4 races, the "Grand Slam", etc...  When you do 10 races, you receive the "Rock Idol" medal.  Crazy, huh?  However, it IS motivating me to exercise and train.  And remember, I do it all for the bling!
  My goal was to finish the Pasadena run in 3 hours.  Not a great pace if you are a true runner, but remember I couldn't even run ONE mile a year ago.  So I am pretty happy that I am just completing these races...and that I did meet my goal.  My time was 2:58:00.
  The first half of the race, we were making good time and ahead of our pace.  At the 9 mile marker, we were at 2 hours so I thought that I could do the last 4 miles in 1 hour, no problem.  But then I hit a wall and I just didn't want to run anymore.  All I wanted to do was lie down!  We lost a lot of time in the last few miles of the race and I had to really push myself the last half mile to make it within 3 hours.
  My husband is a great coach.  First of all, he stays with me the entire race.  I think that he thinks that if he went ahead like he could, that I would quit and never finish a race.  There may be some truth to that.  ;-)  But seriously, he keeps me going and is so encouraging.

  I'll keep you posted on our upcoming races.  My goal is to finish each race in better time...even if it is only by a few seconds.  Happy running!

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