Sunday, February 10, 2013


  For those of you who do not know, I finished my first half marathon last December and my second in January.  It all started because my hubby signed us up for the Rock 'N Roll Marathon Series 2013 Tour Pass.  That means we can run in as many events that we want to for the year...Yayyyy (eyes rolling).
  What you need to understand is that I am NOT a runner!  When I started training last year, I could barely run a mile without huffing and puffing...and it was probably at a 15 minute/mile pace.  LOL!  I am getting a little better, and can run faster and much farther, but am still amazed that I can even finish a half marathon even though still I have to walk a lot of it.
  The reason I am even remotely motivated to run?  The BLING!  See my racing medals...
  Yesterday, I bought new running shoes from A Snail's Pace, a specialty running store.  This is the first time I didn't just go to the outlet mall for any athletic shoes.  At the running store, they make you stand on this gizmo that shows you how your arches look and make you walk and run while they analyze your "gait" (whatever that is).  Anyway, I learned that I need to choose a half size bigger for running shoes.  No wonder my toes would hurt!
  I hope the new shoes make me go faster!  I tried them out this morning on a short run, and they feel very comfortable.  Notice I already put the shoe bling my mother in law bought me for my first half marathon on...aren't they pretty?  ;-)
Well, I'd better go and work on some of my cards.  

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